Click on the album with the song you'd like to get the lyrics for! This
page is a lot like the old one on the older site, but I liked how I had it set up. : P
Sorry, this may take a while to get all the lyrics put on since I'm busy with school work, but I can try.
1039 / smoothed out slappy hours, Lookout! Records, 1989 |
Kerplunk! Lookout! Records, 1992 |
Dookie, Reprise Records 1994 |
Insomniac, Reprise Records 1995 |
Nimrod, Reprise Records 1997 |
Warning, Reprise Records 2000 |
International Superhits, Reprise Records 2001 |
Shenanigans, Reprise Records 2003 |
American Idiot, Reprise Records 2004 |
The Saints Are Coming - Single, November 2006 |
Track Lists :
/ Smoothed Out Slappy Hours - At The Library, Don't Leave Me, I Was There,
Disappearing Boy, Green Day, Going to Pasalaqua, 16, Road to Acceptance, The Judges Daughter, Paper Lanterns, Why Do You Want
Him?, 409 In Your Coffee Maker, Knowledge, 1000 Hours, Dry Ice, Only Of You, The One I Want, I Want To Be Alone
Kerplunk!- 2000 Light Years Away, One For the Razorbacks, Welcome to Paradise, Christie Road, Private Ale, Dominated
Love Slave, One of My Lies, 80, Android, No One Knows, Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?, Words I Might Have Ate, Sweet Children,
Best Thing In Town, Strangeland, My Generation
Dookie - Burnout, Having a Blast, Chump, Longview, Welcome to Paradise, Pulling Teeth, Basketcase, She, Sassafrass
Roots, When I Come Around, Coming Clean, Emenius Sleepus, In the End, F.O.D. (Fuck Off and Die), All By Myself
Insomniac - Armatage Shanks, Brat, Stuck With Me, Geek Stink Breath, No Pride, Bab's Uluva Who?, 86, Panic Song,
Stuart and the Ave, Brain Stew, Jaded, Westbound Sign, Tightwad Hill, Walking Contradiction
Nimrod - Nice Guys Finish Last, Hitchin' a Ride, The Grouch, Redundant, Scattered, All the Time, Worry Rock,
Platypus (I Hate You), Uptight, Last Ride In, Jinx, Haushinka, Walking Alone, Reject, Take Back, King For a Day, Good Riddance
Time of Your Life, Prosthetic Head
Warning - Warning, Blood Sex and Booze, Church on Sunday, Fashion Victim, Castaway, Misery, Deadbeat Holiday,
Hold On, Jackass, Waiting, Minority, Macy's Day Parade
International Super Hits - Maria, Poprocks and Coke
Shenanigans - Suffocate, Desensitized, You Lied, Outsider, Don't Wanna Fall In Love, Espionage, Scumbag, I Want
TO Be On TV, Tired of Waiting, Sick of Me, Rotting, Do Da Da, On the Wagon, Ha Ha You're Dead
American Idiot - American Idiot, Jesus of Suburbia (Jesus of Suburbia, City of the Damned, I Don't Care, Dearly Beloved,
Tales of Another Broken Home), Holiday, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Are We the Waiting?, St. Jimmy, Give Me Novacaine, She's
a Rebel, Extraordinary Girl, Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Homecoming (The Death of St Jimmy, East 12th Street,
Nobody Likes You, Rock 'n' Roll Girlfriend, Homecoming), Whatsername
Favorite CD
My favorite CD by Green Day is Kerplunk! It's not really punk, but
not quite pop. I guess that makes it 'pop punk.' The songs are all about things a lot of teens (like me) can understand
and relate to. Another great album is Warning. It's very underrated. A lot of the songs are unique and even the lyrics
have good meaning.
Favorite Song
There are SO many Green Day songs I love; it's hard to say which one's
my favorite song. If I had to chose, though, it'd be 2000 Light Years Away. At times, I can relate to that song. It also
has really good lyrics and the tune's just great.