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Read away . . .

June 14, 2007 : Oh, look! I put my blog back onto the site. Lovely, huh? Well, what can I say? It's been a boring summer for me, so far. And apparantely, I have to work on Saturday for seven hours instead of Friday for only four. It's sad, I've finally got a job, but it seems I'm poorer than before! That's how it works, isn't it? OH YEAH - and since I haven't really updated my 'Deadbeat Holiday' blog since January '07 (that long ago)?! I broke up with that guy I was rambling on about (we broke up WAY back in February - stupid emo kid). AND I turned fifteen, great, huh? Bored yet?! Well, I'll CONTINUE! I was in my school play. We did Annie - I got to play a little orphan called '52.' Sad, I had to number myself, but it was my first play and being in chorus isn't all so bad! Still tough work, anyway! And I was on the school track team (not like I was that great - I'm quitting track next year for drama club but I'm staying on the cross country team). I ditched going to my Marching Band Awards banquet with ASH (yes, Ash, I'll mention your name) : P to see Trendy in concert again and meet their new bassist, Scotteh! And probably a lot else happened to me that you probably DON'T care about! Nice, eh? Well, I'll shut up and actually work on the site more, now!

Boredom Blog

Wake up, the house is on fire
. . . and the cat's caught in the drier!